


Buy P021, a synthetic peptide derived from the p53 protein, is gaining attention for its potential in research and neuroprotection. This peptide functions as a modulator of cellular stress responses, promoting cell survival and reducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in stressed cells. P021 has been studied for its ability to aid in protecting normal cells while sensitizing tumor cells. Additionally, its neuroprotective properties make it a focus in research aimed at treating neurodegenerative diseases, where it may help preserve neuronal function and promote recovery from injury in certain studies.

P021 Structure 


Source: Nature

What is P021?

P021 is a peptide designed to mimic the actions of the naturally occurring protein, neuropeptide Y (NPY). It has gained attention for its potential applications in various research areas, including mood regulation, appetite control, and metabolic health. P021 is recognized for its ability to influence neuronal activity and modulate stress responses, making it a significant focus in research on mental health and metabolic disorders.

Introduction to P021

The Origin of P021

P021 was developed as a synthetic analog of neuropeptide Y, which is involved in numerous physiological processes, including appetite regulation, circadian rhythms, and stress responses. The development of P021 aimed to harness the beneficial effects of neuropeptide Y while enhancing its stability and bioavailability for research use.

Unique Composition

P021 is composed of a specific sequence of amino acids that closely resembles neuropeptide Y. This unique structure allows it to interact with Y receptors in the brain and peripheral tissues, facilitating its regulatory functions on various bodily systems.

How P021 Works

Mechanism of Action

P021 primarily acts on neuropeptide Y receptors, particularly the Y1 receptor subtype. By binding to these receptors, P021 can modulate neuronal excitability and influence neurotransmitter release, leading to alterations in mood, appetite, and stress response. This receptor-mediated action is crucial for its research potential in addressing metabolic and psychological disorders.

Role in Appetite Regulation

One of the notable effects of P021 is its ability to stimulate appetite and food intake. By mimicking neuropeptide Y, P021 can promote feelings of hunger and food-seeking behavior, making it a point of interest in research related to obesity and eating disorders.

Benefits of P021

Mood Regulation

P021 has been studied for its potential role in mood enhancement and anxiety reduction. Its effects on neuropeptide Y signaling may contribute to improved emotional well-being, making it a candidate for developing treatments for anxiety and depression.

Metabolic Health

Research indicates that P021 may play a role in metabolic regulation, particularly concerning energy balance and weight management. Its appetite-stimulating properties could be beneficial for researchers studying anorexia or significant weight loss due to various health conditions.

Stress Response Modulation

P021 may help modulate the body’s response to stress by influencing the release of stress hormones. By acting on neuropeptide Y pathways, it can promote a sense of calm and help mitigate the physiological effects of stress.

Why P021 is Different from Other Peptides

P021 distinguishes itself from other peptides through its specific targeting of neuropeptide Y pathways. While many peptides focus on growth, recovery, or metabolic enhancement, P021’s unique role in appetite stimulation and mood regulation sets it apart in research addressing complex metabolic and psychological conditions.

For Research Use Only

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